Tuesday, September 26, 2017

CREATE TABLE from SELECT query in Microsoft SQL Server

Scenario: Oracle has spoiled us so much, We recently came across a scenario where we wanted to have the result set of a SQL query to be saved as a table. In Oracle we have the following syntax to achieve the same,


This syntax would create me a table instantly, which I would be able to refer elsewhere. The same feature is available in Microsoft SQL Server as well, just that the syntax is different.  

Resolution: The SQL server equivalent of the above query would be as below, 


SELECT A.* INTO Insert_Table_Name FROM 

Your query here.
) A

Note that you need not create the table upfront before running this script. The query creates the table and it's structure based on the result set.

We hope this came of help to you. For more such posts relating Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server check the label - Oracle to SQL Server . 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Oracle NVL equivalent in MS SQL Server - COALESCE

Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server
As I am new to the Microsoft SQL Server, I have decided to do a series on Oracle to SQL Server comparison. So here is one new keyword which I learned the other day.

Scenario: I had this scenario where I am supposed to show an email address of an insurance dependent, if this dependent email id is not updated then we should fetch the email id of the parent. If in Oracle I would have gone for the NVL function or a CASE statement to achieve the same. If it just comparing maybe two to three columns then a CASE statement would suffice. What if we had more than 10 columns in a way that we have to show data if one of these 10 columns are having data. 

Solution: In this scenario I could go for the COALESCE function in Microsoft SQL Server as the it doesn't provide the NVL function and anyways the COALESCE function performs better than NVL in Oracle and makes your code simpler. 

eg: Imagine we have a CUSTOMER table with 4 email address columns, EMAIL_1, to EMAIL_10.  we have to return the first available data among these columns checking serially. If in Oracle we could have gone for the below syntax,

SELECT NVL(EMAIL_1,NVL(EMAIL_2,(NVL(EMAIL_3, NVL(EMAIL_4,'Not available,),,'Not available,),'Not available,),'Not available,) EmailId

As you can see the code is messy and may take time to understand. But SQL Server provides you a function for such a scenario called the COALESCE function, which does the same for you. The above result in COALESCE would look like below, 


Use of the function makes way for simpler and clean code. The COALESCE function converts your code to a CASE function and executes the same. The difference with ISNULL function is that the ISNULL function is executed only once where as COALESCE is executed until a non NULL argument is reached. 

Hope this came of help to you. Happy coding. 

Oracle Target Data Warehouse Schema gets Locked out Intermittently. [SOLVED]

Issue: The Oracle Target Data warehouse schema, with dimensions and facts that OBIEE  or analytics engine access gets locked out intermittently. 

Cause: Oracle account lockouts can happen due to multiple reasons in a Data warehouse environment, 

  1. Multiple failed login attempts from a client trying to access the database. 
  2. Password expiry date has already passed. 
  3. One or more of clients accessing the system has an old password, which it uses to connect to the system.
Solution: The best solution here would be to check all jdbc/odbc/OCI connections where you have saved the schema username and password. This could be anything from connection settings in the analytics engine, parameter files, database links etc. The chances are high that at one of these connections we have provided an incorrect or old username/password combination.  This blog suggests to check the listener log on the database server hosting the schema. 

If you are using OBIEE, check the RPD connection, JDBC connection you have created to the target schema on the BI Publisher engine etc. 

It is an extremely poor solution to increase FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS parameter at the profile level as this increases the risk of a brute force attack on your database or schema.