Tuesday, December 14, 2021

PowerBI - Synapse Refresh Issue - 'Key didn't match any rows in table'

Issue: PowerBI was not able to refresh the underlying dataset from Azure Synapse in a higher environment in Import mode.

Sample error screenshot is below,

Error Screenshot PowerBI refresh

Cause : The issue was caused when in the higher environment, the schema name was created in upper case letters where as in the lower environment it was in lower case letters. 

Resolution: The fix in this case is to move objects from the existing uppercase schema to lower case, this will incur some effort if you are doing it, since first you will have to move it to a temporary schema name, then drop the uppercase schema name, create lowercase schema name and then move from the temporary schema to lowercase schema name.

Another option is to parameterize the schema in PowerBI and change at one place when you migrate to higher environment.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Guidewire Datahub Architecture Explained

Guidewire Datahub is a P&C enterprise data warehouse solution built on top of the three key Guidewire Insurance Suite systems namely Guidewire Policycenter, Billingcenter and Claimcenter. It is a ETL framework that has been built using SAP BODS ETL tool and a java framework named DIAL for SCD Type 1 and Type 2 implementation. 

Focused on Property and Insurance clients, Datahub provides an operational datastore which provides a single version of truth and enabling clients to execute cross analytical queries across systems. The system also provides you capability to source data from external data systems. The layers of the architecture enables data quality and auditing to make sure that the data you have in target is clean and audited. 

Guidewire Datahub Basic Architecture

The first layer in the architecture are the sources, which can be either one of the three sources from PC, BC or CC, it can even be an external source or a legacy system. In this layer the data from the sources are loaded into a ftp source and from the ftp source to the relational database where Guidewire Datahub resides. 

The second layer is the Guidewire Datahub layer which is a relational dbms and can be in either Oracle Database or a SQL Server database. In this layer data is captured at an entity level in both Type 1 and Type 2. All the data cleansing, quality checks, balancing an auditing happens at this layer. This layer is loaded and managed using the SAP BODS or SAP Data Services tool.

The next layer is where you built out your star schema diagrams based on your reporting needs, this layer will have your facts and dimensions and will be used by IBM Congnos Analytics to cater to your reporting needs.

This forms the basic architecture of the Guidewire Datahub suite. Please do let me know if you would like me to cover more topics on the Guidewire Datahub suite.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Databricks Cluster termination due to Cloud Provider Launch Failure - Allocation Failed

Databricks Cluster Termination due to lack in Allocation of Resources


Issue: Restarting a terminated cluster gives the below error message

Cluster terminated.Reason:Cloud Provider Launch Failure

A cloud provider error was encountered while launching worker nodes. See the Databricks guide for more information.

Azure error code: AllocationFailed

Azure error message: Allocation failed. We do not have sufficient capacity for the requested VM size in this region. Read more about improving likelihood of allocation success at http://aka.ms/allocation-guidance

Cause: Allocation of resources failing as Azure cloud doesn't have requested VM size in the region.  This is a region specific error when the requested resources are too much for the region and doesn't have additional resources to get the cluster running.

Resolution:  Microsoft has documented the resolutions here in this article.

Update:- After waiting a while and a couple of restarts later, it started running again for us.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Understanding Parquet file format - What, Why, How and When - Explained

What is Parquet Format ?

Parquet is a columnar(column-oriented) data format, which was initially built to support the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. It is a read optimized format, which allows efficient reads and efficient compression algorithms.

Why Parquet ?

When you have a dataset that you want to query very efficiently and improve query pruning, Parquet is one file format you could go for. Being a columnar storage option, it greatly improves upon the reads and minimizes Input Output operations on the data.

Below are the summarized advantages of Parquet files,

  1.  Efficient query pruning - With parquet format, columns that are not required while reading the dataset is efficiently pruned. This minimizes the IO operations, there by fast and efficient.

2. Able to process from large volumes of data, and has efficient data compression/encoding mechanisms, there by helping to reduce storage costs as well.

3, Parquet format, though initially built in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem, works well with most data lake storage systems, ADLS, S3, and is supported as external tables in almost all new generation columnar data warehouses.

4. Since parquet is read optimized and a column oriented data format, it is very efficient for data storage in OLAP workloads. Since in OLAP workloads, mostly we only fetch a subset of columns.

How is Parquet stored on disk ?

Below is an example of a parquet file being stored in an Azure Data Lake Gen2 system. The source dataset was small, hence you see just one file.

There are however other way storing where you have a root folder for your parquet and inside the root folder you have multiple part files which split and store the data in the parquet file, something as below,

The lesser part(partition) files you have, the faster your read performance would become. Parquet in spark allows setting the number of partitions(manual partitioning), the ideal scenario here is having a number of partitions somewhere between not very less and not many.

What are the compression schemes in Parquet ?

The most widely used compression scheme for parquet is the Snappy compression mechanism which can compress the original file to a smaller one, hence also contributing to the IO efficiency. Snappy compressed parquet files significantly improve on read performance than parquet files without encoding.

When should I use parquet ?

Parquet should be considered when you have an OLAP use case, and ideally where you have a subset of columns for a problem, the more the number of columns and unique values you have in the column, the lower the performance of parquet. So consider parquet where you have operations that happen on a subset of columns and where you are doing aggregations.

References and Further reads

I found some great beginner articles for the parquet format online, sharing the same below if you are interested to learn more,

Monday, August 16, 2021

Not authorized to view container in Azure Blob under Storage Account

 Error - Below is the error description from inside newly created container under storage account we created

  • This request is not authorized to perform this operation. RequestId:342dca41-601e-004f-0dc9-9291aa000000 Time:2021-08-16T18:10:08.0322108Z 
  • This storage account's 'Firewalls and virtual networks' settings may be blocking access to storage services. Try adding your client IP address ('xx.xx.xx.xxx') to the firewall exceptions, or by allowing access from 'all networks' instead of 'selected networks'

Cause: The client address of your machine is not added as an exception to your firewall settings under the parent storage account


1. The solution is to add your ip address as an exception under 'Networking' > 'Firewall and Virtual Networks' 

2. Click on 'Add your clinet IP Address ( xx.xx.xxx.xxx)

3.  Now click on 'Save' in the top left corner under 'Firewall and Virtual Networks'

4. Now navigate back to the container and you should be able to access the container.

Error 22300 - Azure Data Factory Linked Service cannot connect to Azure SQL Database

 Error:  Error Code 22300 - Cannot connect to SQL Database: 'db-learn-azure.database.windows.net', Database: 'learn-azure-athul', User: 'athul'. Check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database firewall allows the integration runtime to access. Cannot open server 'db-learn-azure' requested by the login. Client with IP address '20.xx.xx.xxx' is not allowed to access the server.

Error Code 22300

Cause: This happens because the IP address of the Azure Data Factory instance is not known by the Azure SQL Database.


1. Go to the Azure SQL Database instance in Microsoft Portal > Go to Firewall Settings > 

2.  Change the 'Allow Azure Services and Resources to access this server' to 'Yes' and save the firewall settings

3. Now try connecting again.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Synapse - CREATE TABLE as SELECT with Distribution - Not recognized error [Solved]

Scenario: While trying to create a backup of a table in one Synapse schema into another backup  table  in another schema,  

example syntax below,

Msg 103022, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Parse error at line: 2, column: 8: DISTRIBUTION is not a recognized table or a view hint.Msg 103022, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 
Parse error at line: 2, column: 8: DISTRIBUTION is not a recognized table or a view hint.

Solution: To resolve the issue change the syntax from existing 

CREATE TABLE mySchema.bkp_Students AS SELECT * FROM enrollment.Students




CREATE TABLE mySchema.bkp_Students 



AS SELECT * FROM enrollment.Students

A table needs to have a default distribution before data can be inserted into it.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Learning plan to clear DP 900 - Azure Data Fundamentals Certification

Azure Data Fundamentals DP 900 Badge

After having worked on couple of small data engagements in Azure Cloud, I have started my journey towards achieving a Azure Data Engineer Associate Badge. As a first, i started with DP 900, which is a beginner data fundamental course which focuses on core concepts of data and data services available in Azure. The certification excepts you to have a basic understanding of all key services and concepts in Data warehousing and Visualization.

Like any other online certification exam, 30 minutes before the actual schedule the test link starts to become active. A proctor(invigilator) will join you on chat and verify your government ID details and the surroundings of your test room, which you have to take a screenshot of. Once they are convinced that you are a fair candidate, They initiate the exam. 

Coming to the exam,  I had a total of 49 questions, and was fairly easy considering I have some experience on the topic and that i had only prepared just a a day ahead. I was able to score 922 in the exam easily with a day of preparation.

Below are the materials that I used to prepare, 

  • FreeCodeCamp.Org crash course in Youtube - Partnered with ExamPro.com
I went through this fairly basic video course in FreeCodeCamp. It is not accurate or exhaustive enough if you want to go to details, but for every Azure service or data concept, they do cover the basic functionalities, and at the end of each lessson, they have a cheat sheet which I found really helpful for a last minute read. 

Some parts are a little vaguely explained, so suggest going for the Udemy course below if you need a deeper understanding.

       This is an absolutely wonderful course. If you really have the time, do go through this course. More than the course, there are two practice set of questions at the end of this course. First one with around 93 questions and second with 100 questions. The questions I got on the exam were mostly connected to the questions on this course. Maybe a little re-worded or arranged from the course, but the basic content remains the same. I did both these question sets around 2 to 3 times just a few hours before on exam day and made sure I consistently got 90%+ scores. 

To summarize, if you are running short on time. Start with the 3 hour FreeCodeCamp course. Thoroughly take notes and understand. Once you are done with the course, repeat, repeat, and again repeat these practice questions from the udemy course until you consistently get a 90%+ score.

Happy Learning. Let us know if you were able to complete the Certification following this approach.