Monday, December 12, 2022

Pyspark - Hash() function creates duplicates - solved

 Aim - To create a unique integer identifier from a column in your pyspark dataframe. 

Issue:- When using the hash() function in pyspark it is very prone to hash collisions as you might see the same hash value for two different source column values, see example below,

Solution - Use the xxhash64() pyspark function to reduce such hash collisions. See the field now, which has been created with hash 64 algorithm, returning unique values in Product_Id_2

Note:- The new column being created using hash 64 would be a big integer and not an integer.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Synapse Analytics - Create Delta Lake Database or Schema or Table fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null

Issue - When trying to create a delta lake database or a schema or a delta lake table fails with an error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null path . 

Error sample screenshot

For a quick background, I am using a small sized cluster with 3-8 worker nodes and using a synapse notebook to execute the syntax. 


The error log goes as below,

Error: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null path

It hints at a path being null. 


The very first thing to check is whether the path you are trying to pass on while creating the table is correct or not, for example see the syntax below,

create TABLE lakedatabasename.tablename
LOCATION 'abfss://'

Check if the path exists by using the below syntax in a spark notebook,'abfss://')

and this should list down all the files you have under the path,

If files get listed, it's not an issue with your path and you can rule that out.

The next thing to check is if the user you are using to create delta lake database/table has the permission 'BlobStorageDataContributor', this would be needed. 

For me both the above debug steps were okay, later I read that in synapse, delta lake creates metadata for lake database in the default container, and i had actually given the default container same name as my storage account while creation, so I had deleted the default container. 

This is where the template i extracted during resource creation came in handy for me, I checked the template and found that I had the same name for the 'defaultDataLakeStorageFilesystemName' parameter as well, see screenshot below, 

The fix was to create the default container name back in, so synapse can create the deltalake database metadata inside the same and re-run the same commands again.

The issue was raised by me and documented here in Microsoft Learn community here

Monday, November 21, 2022

Partitioned column data not displaying in External Table over Delta Lake in Serverless SQL Pool

Issue: You are trying to create an external table over a delta lake folder path in your Azure Data Lake. The said delta lake table is paritioned over a few columns. For example, see below where the delta lake table is paritioned over fields, 'TheYear' and 'TheMonth'. 

Delta Lake

The path was then created as an external table in Azure Synapse, and queried upon, where you can see all columns from the delta lake except for the paritioned columns, please see screenshot below,

Cause: This seems to be because this is not a feature, Serverless SQL pool has started to support(reference).

Solution: However there is an alternate way of achieveing the same using a SQL view with OPENROWSET functionality. Then use this view to query the table further.

sample syntax as below, 

    SELECT TOP 10 *
            BULK 'Gold/Database/Table1/',
            DATA_SOURCE = 'DeltaLakeStorage',
            FORMAT = 'delta'
        WITH (  TheYear VARCHAR(10),
        TheMonth VARCHAR(10),
        type VARCHAR(100),
        count BIGINT

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Error 403 - Failed to load resources in Azure Synapse Studio

Error: User with Owner access at subscription level getting a failed error while opening Synapse Studio, and not able to see any pipelines, linked service etc

Failed to load one or more resources due to no access, error code 403

Root Cause: Even if you have owner level privileges at the subscription level, you still  have to assign rights inside Synapse Studio.

Fix: Go to Synapse Studio > Manage tab

Go to Access Control > Click on Add

Add the user you want to give Administrator access to 

Now log out and login back to Azure Portal and back to Synapse Studio, now you would be able to see all the resources. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Authorization Failed error while creating Azure Data Factory Instance

Issue description: New user not able to create an Azure Data Factory instance despite having owner or contributor group access at resource group level.

Error - The client '' with object id '' does not have authorization to perform action '' over scope '/subscriptions/' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials. (Code: AuthorizationFailed) (Code: AuthorizationFailed)  

Root Cause - The root cause of this issue is that, when you setup a subscription, only a default set of Microsoft Providers are by default registered. 

Fix: Go to Subscriptions > Resource Providers and add/register the 'Microsoft.DataFactory' provider.