Tuesday, December 14, 2021

PowerBI - Synapse Refresh Issue - 'Key didn't match any rows in table'

Issue: PowerBI was not able to refresh the underlying dataset from Azure Synapse in a higher environment in Import mode.

Sample error screenshot is below,

Error Screenshot PowerBI refresh

Cause : The issue was caused when in the higher environment, the schema name was created in upper case letters where as in the lower environment it was in lower case letters. 

Resolution: The fix in this case is to move objects from the existing uppercase schema to lower case, this will incur some effort if you are doing it, since first you will have to move it to a temporary schema name, then drop the uppercase schema name, create lowercase schema name and then move from the temporary schema to lowercase schema name.

Another option is to parameterize the schema in PowerBI and change at one place when you migrate to higher environment.

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